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I though it was very calming and nice. I think it could've been a little more interesting but it was very whimsical and had a great tase of nature.


Yours was also very calming. It would benefit from more effects but it made me feel very relaxed and happy.


It was very chilling and scary. I would love to hear an intense train noise towards the end but it made me feel very spooky which I liked.


It was very chaotic in a good way. It would be even better with more transitions and I was almost startled.


It had a great build up throughout. It could be slightly more intense at the climax but I loved the release after the build up.


I loved how consistent you were with the theme. It could use something to make it more dramatic but it was very bubbly and fun.


Yours was also very chaotic in a good way. It could benefit from a bold voice or something but it was very good.


It had a really nice sound to it. It could use something to make it stick out but it was choppy yet nice.


It starts off really nicely and builds up well. The ending was a little inconsistent but it had a nice build up after the release.


It made me feel very calm. It could be a little more cohesive but it was very nice to listen to.


I also felt very relaxed with yours. It could be a little louder but I was very soothed after hearing your soundscape.


It was very diverse in the noises. It could use a cleaner exit but I liked how it made me feel very spooky.


I loved the use of the voices. It could use more transitions but it made me feel like I was in the future or a new better society.


It made me think of nature. It could use a something to make it pop a little more but it made me feel calm and relaxed.


Yours was very calming and nice. Again, it could benefit from more transitions and it had a very nice placement of the noises.


It had a nice buildup. I would appreciate more transitions but it made me feel hectic in a good way.


It made me feel like I was in Hawaii. It could use more diversity in the noises but it was super relaxing.


It was very pleasant to listen to. Transitions would help the flow of the music and I loved the ending.


I felt very calm after hearing yours. It could have used a better ending but I liked listening to nature.


It was very spooky. It could use a pop in sound but I felt like I was on a Disney ride which I liked.

Sarah O

It was very calming. It could use something to make it more interesting but I liked how it was really dark.


It was very dark and dreary. I would have liked more effects but the transitions were really nice.


It was very nature. It could have been more cohesive but I loved the climax.


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