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Reading Blog Post #2


In "Web Work: A History of Internet Art" by Rachel Greene, she discusses the birth of '' and how that term grew and what it grew into. Net art is was all about expressing yourself creatively on a new medium that no one had used or thought of before. It became not only a new way to express oneself but it became a movement of the future. It also became a competition when it became more widely used and popularized, with everyone trying to get their own message out. Greene gives a multitude of examples of the art that was created back then and how it grew over time. It is amazing to see how the work looked first like coding and old computer folders and how it evolved. I think it's really interesting to see the beginning of something I do as a passion and how far it has grown and changed over the years to become limitless. It is also insane to see how people were competing to have the most popular image or art on the internet and now that competition would be impossible due to the multitude of images, gifs, videos, etc. released by the second on the internet. People were so naïve to the possibilities that the internet had but it was cool to read about what approaches people took to express themselves or their hobbies, so not only seeing the evolution of the internet but also the evolution of the people who first had the ability to create on this new platform. The internet gives us so many opportunities today that it is amazing to read about where it all started out.


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